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  • How to find a good manager for your taxi company

How to find a good manager for your taxi company

How to run a successful taxi business and where to find the right person to do it for you? Learn from these short and actionable tips now; thank us later.

Say your ride-hailing taxi business has successfully surpassed the start-up phase. What now? Probably, you’re thinking about growth, and you’re thinking about expanding your team.

Now, attracting the best drivers in the market and keeping them motivated can be challenging (we’ve covered the topic for you in this post). But what if you need to fill in a position even more demanding? How to find a perfect manager who would know how to run a successful taxi business?

We’ve gathered some tips and tricks to help you find the perfect person to manage a taxi business.

What it means to manage a taxi business

Employee’s level of job satisfaction and motivation depends on how good your company management is—that’s a fact. People leave their jobs because of bad management, after all. This means rightly chosen management is a great deal of the answers to the question “how to run a successful taxi business.”

Besides, good managers have great power to bring your company to the next level in terms of marketing, seeking investments, and launching new services.

Onde’s taxi management solution makes assigning roles and access levels to different types of managers easier. In My hub, you can choose the pages a manager gets access to depending on their profile.

My hub is perfect for ride-hailing management because your team can share responsibilities most efficiently.

Now, let’s see how to find the right people to manage a taxi business.

Looking for a manager, look for attitude and philosophy

When searching for the perfect person to manage a taxi business, you’re first of all looking for the right attitude. It, of course, includes positivity, proactivity, and ​​effervescent energy. A good manager can take up several things at a time. They should come up with new ideas, not be afraid to try them out, and motivate others to embrace the same attitude.

However, the best taxi manager is also someone able to lead people and cooperate with them efficiently. To hire better employees and solve any personal conflicts that naturally occur on the work floor, your ideal ride-hailing management person needs respect for others and enough knowledge about humans.

Searching for the perfect person to manage a taxi business: dos and don’ts

The very first tip is to look for managers who fit with your company culture. The quickest and most effective way to find them is to promote from within.

Promoting people in your company to fill management positions is a smart way to both show your appreciation of good performance and fill essential roles with people who already know a lot about your company and ride-hailing business in general.

Next, an ideal manager should not only know how to run a successful taxi business but also be strong in communication. Of course, a person managing the finances or updating your taxi service business plan wouldn’t have much face time with employees. However, they should embrace open communication and honesty so that you can rely on them.

Ideally, you’re looking for someone with proven experience in management. However, don’t be misled by regalia and big company names in people’s CVs. Sometimes hiring a person that fits your company’s vision means you’ve got to try working with less experienced people—and there’s nothing wrong with that. So do seek experience in someone who’s going to manage a taxi business but don’t fetishize it.

Another tip in hiring the right people to manage a taxi business is to add people with different cultural backgrounds to your team. Diversity isn’t just a fancy word. It actually brings new insights—because people different from each other often see possibilities where you wouldn’t even bother to look.

Don’t try to find a Jack of all trades to do all the management tasks, from communicating with drivers to thinking through strategic partnerships. Thinking big and out-of-the-box to foster a company’s growth requires a very different set of skills than implementing a sound taxi service business plan. It’s much more efficient to divide responsibilities and allow people to do what they do best.

Wrapping up

Above all, you want people you trust to manage your taxi business. There’s no universal profile for the best taxi manager. However, make sure that the people you hire for management positions:

  • understand and share your company’s culture and mission;
  • can foster trust and honesty in the team;
  • have relevant experience or at least a comprehensive understanding of ride-hailing management processes;
  • are doing exactly what they’re good at.

A team formed thoughtfully plus a powerful taxi management solution, and your way to the market top will be much easier.

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