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Grow your taxi business within 2 months

Expand your taxi business with Onde taxi platform

Smooth transition from you current solution

Driver automation will help you quickly transfer all the drivers to the new platform, while App Store Optimization will help your users find your company by its name and get it closer to the top of the search list

Onde is more than a technology provider. With years of experience, we have the expertise to be your partner in the world of taxi business. This is not just a form of speech - our success directly depends on yours.

Talk to our expert and learn more!

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Get your first customers and drivers from digital ads



Get your first customers from digital ads

Starting Up


Get basics. Build your business how you see it
What’s included

Your branded apps 


Premium App Store Optimization for 6 months

8-weeks ad campaign

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Apple Search Ads*

Visual ad assets: banners, ad video

Creative copywriting: ad texts in 2 languages

Monthly reports (results and ad spend)

What’s included

Your branded apps 


Standard App Store Optimization

4-weeks ad campaign

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Apple Search Ads*

Visual ad assets: banners

Creative copywriting: ad texts in 1 language

Monthly reports (results and ad spend)

What’s included

Your branded apps


Standard  App Store Optimization

What you get

Up to 30K app installs, ~20K new active app users in total**

Dedicated Onde team: a project coordinator, designer, copywriter, digital marketer

What you get

Up to 6K app installs = ~5K new active app users**

Dedicated Onde team: a project coordinator, designer, copywriter, digital marketer

*Available for a  limited list of countries
**Depends on a cost per app install in each particular case

*Available for a  limited list of countries
**Depends on a cost per app install in each particular case



Get your first customers and drivers from digital ads

king 2


jvowejvknhiw nviwnefinw efhwieh ncviwejncje wnjfcnekjdkej skdmwk djkwjdkwk dwodow dokwodmk esdmkemkcfmekfmckemfc kekfkefmckef kcefkcne wkcvekw cvpikewco vkefwjmofkjfc
What’s included

Standard  App Store Optimization


Standard  App Store Optimization


cfmekfmcke mfckekfkefmckef kcefkcnewkcvekw cvpikewco vkefwjmofkjfc

cfmekfmc kemfckekfk efmckefkcefkcnew kcvekwcvpik ewcovkefw jmofkjfc

cfmekfmc kemfckekfkefm ckefkcefkcn ewkcvekwc vpikewco vkefwjmofkjfc

cfmekf mckemfckekfkef mckefkcefk cnewkcv ekwcvpikew covke fwjmofkjfc

cfmekfmckemfc kekfkefmckefkcefkcnew kcvekwcvpikew covkefwjmofkjfc

cfmek fmckemfckekfk efmckefkcefkcne wkcvekwcvpike wcovkefwj mofkjfc

cfmekfm ckemfckekfke fmckefkcefkcnew kcvekwcvpikew covkefwjmofkjfc 

cfmekfmc kemfckekfkef mckefkcefkc newkcvekwcv pikewcov kefwjmofkjfc

cfmek fmcke mfckekfkefmc kefkcefkcnewk cvekwcvpike wcovkef wjmofkjfc

*Available for a  limited list of countries 

**Depends on a cost per app install in each particular case

Onde is the future of your taxi business

With Onde, all your business operations are covered. Manage your company, drivers, and operators from a single platform. Offer your passengers an app to easily order a taxi whenever they feel like it. Get a web app to work with your partners. Keep your traditional model - but do business in a new, improved way to bring it to the next level.

That’s why we offer

Do you want to see everything in detail?


Give yourself time to think and go through the platform. A 14-day free trial is there for you to test the solution, evaluate it, and make a decision.

Start free trial